Big Banks Bet As Well As Banking Concern On Trading Profits - Boa As Well As Chase Ride Trading Revenue To Profitability

Big Banks Bet As Well As Banking Concern On Trading Profits - Boa As Well As Chase Ride Trading Revenue To Profitability

Big Banks Bet As Well As Banking Concern On Trading Profits - Boa As Well As Chase Ride Trading Revenue To Profitability

Both JP Morgan as well as Chase as well as Bank of America reported profitable quarters this earnings flavor become around.

Though Chase has been inwards amend sort over this economical downward plow both banks profitable quarters relied on their investment banking activities.

Chase Bank reported 3.3 billion dollars for the get-go quarters profit. Bank of America came inwards correct behind them amongst 3.2 billion dollars. 3/4's or 75% of Chase Bank profits came from trading as well as investment banking activities as well as 2/3 or nigh 65% of Bank of Americas profits came from their newly establish investment banking operations. This profitable Merrill Lynch bargain has vanquish the overall exterior consensus as well as expectations. Just goes to present y'all that quondam Ken Lewis knew as well as withal probable knows what he is talking about.

Though it is the novel guy Brian M. over in that place amidst the executive offices of Bank of America who is wiping the effort of his brow every bit the novel CEO of Bank of America.

The New CEO, Brian T. Moynihan of BoA is doing a smashing project inwards my opinion. He is making some smashing decisions every bit the banking giant's leader.

His focus on image, loss mitigation, referral networking amongst the novel investment banking operations as well as corporate banking division, as well as what e'er else he is doing is surely getting the project done (at to the lowest degree from what I convey seen).

My Ken Lewis who deserves some credit from the media, as well as of class the genius over in that place at Chase Bank, Mr. Diamond.

The stock prices of these ii banking giants were unfortunately blocked as well as pushed downward due to the outrageous claims of mortgage backed securities fraud against Goldman Sachs. This claim as well as trial courtesy of the SEC.

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