Fred Bergsten On Cyberspace Exports

Fred Bergsten On Cyberspace Exports

In today's NY Times, Fred says authorities policy should focus to a greater extent than on increasing internet exports.  He says a lot of wise things, particularly regarding the ask for amend intellectual holding protection abroad.  One locomote of the article, however, puzzles me.  He writes:

The artificially depression value of the renminbi — it is xx to xxx per centum less than what it should last — amounts to a subsidy on Chinese exports as well as a tariff on imports from the USA as well as other countries.

Think close this for a moment.  As I discussed inwards this former Times column, the way China affects the exchange rate is by buying dollars inwards unusual exchange markets as well as using them to purchase dollar-denominated assets (such every bit Treasury bonds).  Yet the exact same mechanism is at piece of work whenever whatever foreigner invests inwards the United States.  All upper-case missive of the alphabet flows into the US raise the value of the dollar inwards unusual telephone substitution markets as well as brand our exports less competitive.  Does Fred object to all upper-case missive of the alphabet flows into the US?  Would he prefer or as well as therefore grade of upper-case missive of the alphabet flight from the US because it would lower the value of the dollar as well as promote exports?  That seems to last the logical implication of what he is saying, simply I incertitude that's what he intends to suggest.  So I am puzzled.
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