The Cost Of Financial Uncertainty

The Cost Of Financial Uncertainty

I bring been reading Bob Woodward's novel book, The Price of Politics.  It is a detailed recounting of the back-and-forth negotiations amid President Obama's White House, the Republican leaders in the House of Representatives, as well as the major players inward the Senate regarding the debt ceiling as well as long-term financial outlook.  The majority is primarily an objective narrative, rather than a foaming-at-the-mouth polemic (unlike the over-the-top majority The Amateur, which I read over the summer).  Nonetheless, the story Woodward tells does non brand this White House await particularly good.

Woodward seems to believe that if we had a President to a greater extent than like Bill Clinton, a financial bargain could bring been struck.  President Obama is described as disdainful of schmoozing amongst other pols, every bit mishandling the negotiation process, as well as every bit unwilling to deed sufficiently toward the political optic to instruct a bargain done.  One gets the feel that the Democratic President who signed the 1996 welfare reform would bring to a greater extent than easily reached a compromise amongst House Republicans.

This even out brought to my heed recent interrogation past times Baker, Bloom, as well as Davis, which suggests that policy uncertainty has impeded the economical recovery.  If Baker et al. are correct that doubtfulness depresses the economy, as well as if Woodward is correct that the doubtfulness nosotros immediately confront amongst the upcoming "fiscal cliff" is attributable by as well as large to the inability of Barack Obama to run amongst Congress, then the implication is clear: The meagerness of this recovery is non exactly a hangover from a financial crisis, but rather a reflection of a key political failure.  The cost of politics, indeed.
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