Revising History

Revising History

From Econ Journal Watch:

Paul Krugman Denies Having Concurred With an Administration Forecast: H5N1 Note
past times David O. Cushman


In a previous article for Econ Journal Watch, I attributed to Paul Krugman a concurrence amongst the optimistic economical forecast set forwards inward early on 2009 past times the incoming Administration. Krugman reacted past times denying that he had concurred amongst that forecast, pointing to a weblog entry of his from Jan 2009. But Krugman acre did non read my paper. It concerned non a weblog entry from Jan 2009 only rather i from March 2009. In this note, I accept greater pains to exhibit how Krugman’s March entry, made inward back upward of Brad DeLong’s criticism of Greg Mankiw’s doubts nigh the Administration forecast, tin hold upward interpreted equally having effectively concurred amongst that forecast. I conclude amongst give-and-take of the shortcomings of the model that DeLong set forwards when making his Krugman-endorsed criticism of Mankiw’s doubts.
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