Sentence Of The Day

Sentence Of The Day

CBO estimates that the ACA [Affordable Care Act] volition trim the full expose of hours worked, on net, yesteryear nearly 1.5 pct to 2.0 pct during the menstruum from 2017 to 2024, almost exclusively because workers volition select to render less labor—given the novel taxes together with other incentives they volition human face upwardly together with the fiscal benefits about volition receive.
Implicit inwards this gauge are elasticities that mensurate how much people reply to incentives.  My feel is that CBO is typically conservative when it come upwardly to gauging these incentives effects.  So I would accept their estimate of the touching on hours worked as a lower bound. The actual figure may live higher.

Addendum: Here is a column I wrote nearly these incentive effects 5 years ago.
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