Next Fourth Dimension Yous Involve Heed Individual Advocate For Single-Payer Healthcare, Holler Upwards This

Next Fourth Dimension Yous Involve Heed Individual Advocate For Single-Payer Healthcare, Holler Upwards This

From the NY Times:
Two Florida doctors who received the nation’s highest Medicare reimbursements inwards 2012 are both major contributors to Democratic Party causes, too they convey turned to the political organization inwards recent years to defend themselves against suspicions that they may convey submitted fraudulent or excessive charges to the federal government.... 
Topping the listing is Dr. Salomon E. Melgen, 59, an ophthalmologist from North Palm Beach, Fla., who received $21 1 chiliad one thousand inwards Medicare reimbursements inwards 2012 alone....  
Dr. Melgen’s work solid donated to a greater extent than than $700,000 to Majority PAC, a super PAC run past times onetime aides to the Senate bulk leader, Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada. The super PAC too hence spent $600,000 to aid re-elect Senator Robert Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey, who is a unopen friend of Dr. Melgen’s. Last year, Mr. Menendez himself became a target of investigation afterward the senator intervened on behalf of Dr. Melgen amongst federal officials too took flights on his somebody jet.

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