Last Greek Thoughts

Last Greek Thoughts

Last Greek Thoughts

A few salient points that don't look to hold upwards on the overstep of the fountain of Hellenic Republic commentary.

1. Hellenic Republic seems to hold upwards coming to a standstill.  Kerin Hope at FT  (HT Marginal Revolution):
... many [Greeks] receive got merely stopped making payments altogether, virtually freezing economical activity.
Tax revenues for May, for example, brutal €1bn curt of the budget target, amongst hence many Greek citizens balking at filing returns. 
The government, itself, has contributed to the chain of non-payment yesteryear freezing payments due to suppliers. That has had a knock-on effect, stifling the pocket-size businesses that dominate the economic scheme as well as edifice upwards a mount of arrears that volition accept months, if non years, to settle.
“Business-to-business payments receive got almost been paused,” 1 Athens human being of affairs says. “They are precisely rolling over postdated cheques.”
 Around lxx per cent of restructured mortgage loans aren’t existence serviced because people retrieve foreclosures volition entirely hold upwards applied to large villa owners,” 1 banker said.
2.  If a Greek goes to the ATM as well as takes out a charge of cash, where does that cash come upwards from? The response is, basically, that the Greek cardinal banking concern prints upwards the cash. Then, the Greek cardinal banking concern owes the amount to the ECB. The ECB treats this every bit a loan, amongst the Greek cardinal banking concern taking the credit risk. If the Greek regime defaults, the Greek cardinal banking concern is supposed to brand the ECB skillful on all the ECB's lending to Greece.  It's pretty clear what that hope is worth.

Some observations on what these stories mean.

1.  The declaration is non almost "lending" to Greece, i.e. roofing this year's primary surplus. The declaration is whether the IMF, ECB, as well as residuum of Europe volition lend Hellenic Republic coin to... pay dorsum the IMF, ECB, as well as the residuum of Europe. This is a whorl over negotiation, non a lending negotiation.

The loans were non intended to hold upwards paid dorsum now. The loans were intended to give-up the ghost along for decades. But amongst conditions. The negotiation is almost enforcing or modifying the atmospheric condition for a roll-over.

Rolling over curt term debt amongst periodic reviews is a prissy incentive mechanism. Foreign policy should sweat it.

2. The latest proposed understanding includes sudden increases inwards revenue enhancement rates.  Now? Are you lot kidding?

I am reminded of the even of a town, that had a bridge, that had a fifty mph speed limit. H5N1 drunkard driver, going 85, caused  horrific crash. The town lowered the speed boundary to 25.

What Hellenic Republic needs is to larn going again. That is, to persuade anyone that this is a skillful province to start a business, invest, hire people, as well as hence forth.  In particular, if Hellenic Republic is to pay dorsum debts, it has to give-up the ghost an export-oriented growth economy, as well as run merchandise surpluses Higher VAT, higher corporate taxes, as well as higher taxes on successful entrepreneurs are hardly the agency to give-up the ghost almost attracting investment.

I retrieve of taxes inwards damage of incentives. Keynesians await at aggregate demand. Either way, raising revenue enhancement rates, now, inwards an economic scheme where nobody is paying much of anything because they run into the large explosion ahead seems destined, pragmatically, to enhance no revenue. And, incidentally as well as humanely, to farther crater the economy.

Despite cuts, the Greek regime is however spending due north of 50% of GDP. If you lot desire to larn primary surpluses, that seems the house to cut.

But amongst an economic scheme at a standstill, major structural reform (like, give-up the ghost dorsum as well as lay dorsum inwards the structural reforms that Syriza scuttled on arrival) seems similar a to a greater extent than promising short-term laid of conditions. And we'll run into you lot on the side yesteryear side large roll-over.

3. Rolling over post-dated checks is a fascinating even to a monetary economist. Money is created when needed, apparently.

4. The banking concern run, or "jog." Remember, the large Greek bailout already happened. Private investors, largely European banks, who held Greek regime debt got to sell their debt to regime as well as IMF. Bailouts are creditor bailouts.

One agency of viewing the electrical flow wearisome motion crisis is an invitation for ordinary Greeks to bring together these investors. Take euros out of the bank. The regime default volition happen, maybe amongst banking concern closures, uppercase controls, currency exit, as well as expropriation. But lending to Greek banks is straight off bailed out, amongst the losses sent to Europe via the ECB, precisely every bit High German bank's lending to Greek banks was bailed out inwards the get-go round. Too clever, maybe, but that is the effect.

Too clever, really, to depict the situation. It entirely industrial plant if the regime truly does exit, as well as soon. Getting coin out of the banks as well as and hence defaulting is 1 thing. But a frozen economic scheme can't give-up the ghost along long.

I repeat: the run as well as non-payment, freezing the economy, give off largely because people run into uppercase controls, banking concern work concern human relationship expropriation, grand all-around default (your mortgage mightiness larn redenominated to Drachmas too, as well as forgiven in 1 lawsuit the banking concern goes under, hence why pay now) as well as Grexit inwards the future.  The simplest agency to halt the run as well as economical cratering would hold upwards a venture commitment from both sides that regime default volition non hateful Grexit,  capital controls, etc.

5. Without the banks, this would all hold upwards simple. Hellenic Republic could default, remain inwards the Euro (unilaterally if involve be) as well as Euro zone. One regime defaulting on debts to other governments is non a crisis.
All along though, the interest of the Greek banking organisation makes it much harder.

Hellenic Republic has eleven 1000000 people, $242 billion gross domestic product as well as 51,000 foursquare miles. That's every bit many people every bit Ohio, the gross domestic product as well as set down expanse of Louisiana. Why does Hellenic Republic involve its ain banking organisation inwards a mutual currency as well as complimentary marketplace zone?

Think how much easier this would all hold upwards if Europe had gotten to a greater extent than or less to integrating its banking system. In whatsoever metropolis inwards the US, the major banks are all national. If California defaults on province bonds, your Chase banking concern work concern human relationship is safe, as well as non because of Federal deposit insurance. Because the banking concern has no exposure to California bonds.

Imagine if Greeks deposited coin inwards a local branch of a large pan-European bank, backed yesteryear assets spread throughout Europe. Imagine if Greeks borrowed coin from the same bank, funded yesteryear deposits spread throughout Europe. Imagine if, when a remaining Greek banking concern defaults, the European equivalent of Chase could sweep in, as well as accept over loans as well as deposits seamlessly. H5N1 default yesteryear the Greek regime on its bonds would hold upwards inconsequential to Greek banking.

Why not? Well, such banks would non grip vast amounts of Greek regime debt. Such banks would non receive got Greek ownership, or hold upwards controlled yesteryear the Greek regulatory system. Such banks would non hold upwards available targets of Greek uppercase controls, or a currency change.

Hellenic Republic needs an independent, national, banking organisation almost every bit much every bit Ohio or Louisiana involve independent, province banking systems.

6. And currency. Many economists hold proverb how wonderful it is for tiny countries to receive got their ain monetary policy, hence they tin devalue their agency out of crises similar these. They advocate "capital controls" (English translation: expropriation of savings). That's how Argentina, say, is such a success story. We may hold upwards almost to see.

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