A Feature, Non A Bug

A Feature, Non A Bug

A few weeks ago, a poll asked people what were the starting fourth dimension words that they thought of when they heard the names of the diverse presidential candidates.  For Hillary Clinton, "liar" as well as "untrustworthy" ranked high.  Many commentators saw this result as a work for her.

I convey this upward now because Clinton just came out against the TPP merchandise deal, fifty-fifty though the Obama direction strongly favors it as well as Clinton previously favored it.  I don't know of whatsoever poll of economists on TPP, but an overwhelming majority of the profession agrees that "Past major merchandise deals pick out benefited almost Americans."  I would jurist that TPP would equally good poll good with economists.  FYI, here is CEA chair Jason Furman singing the praises of TPP, as well as mankiw.blogspot.com/2015/03/an-open-letter">here is an opened upward missive of the alphabet from a sizeable grouping of by CEA chairs.

So, volition those economists who like Clinton start to plough against her?  I incertitude it.  My jurist is that almost of them don't believe what she is straightaway saying.  They aspect that in ane trial she moves dorsum into the White House, she will return to the moderate sentiment of merchandise deals that her hubby championed.  In other words, they are counting on her existence untrustworthy.  If they had argue to incertitude her mendacity, hence they would get down to worry.
Sumber https://gregmankiw.blogspot.com/
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