Who Knew What When?

Who Knew What When?

President Obama is getting heat over his frequently repeated claim that, nether his healthcare reform, "If yous similar your plan, yous tin forcefulness out proceed it."  It is clear straightaway that for millions of Americans, especially those who participated inwards the private insurance market, that is precisely non true.  You tin forcefulness out struggle that the innovation they volition teach nether the Affordable Care Act is better, but it seems undeniable that the President's sales pitch was factually incorrect.

As somebody who has previously worked for a President, I am fascinated past times how the White House staff allow President Obama in addition to therefore consistently in addition to so publicly make a fake statement.  Presidential speeches undergo a painstakingly thorough review process. It seems that in that place are solely 3 possibilities:

1. The White House staff did non know the contention was false.  That is, they did non empathise the constabulary the administration was promoting.

2. The White House staff knew the contention was false, but they decided to proceed this fact from the President.  That is, they allow the President unwittingly prevarication to the American people.

3. The White House staff knew the contention was fake in addition to told the President so, but the President decided to proceed maxim it anyway.  That is, the President consciously decided to prevarication to the American people.

These are the solely 3 possibilities I tin forcefulness out envision.  None of them reflects especially good on what has been going on inwards the White House.
Sumber https://gregmankiw.blogspot.com/
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